In today’s complex and fast-changing business environment, discarding personalization from marketing is equal to enterprise harakiri. Even more, increasing customization, whether digital or offline, can boost brand awareness and reduce costs at the same time.
Personalized marketing has been tried and tested over the past few decades, especially in direct mail. However, with the emergence of marketing automation, this practice has become even more profitable. For instance, you can automate with direct mail API at any stage of the marketing funnel without alienating potential customers. If one of them abandons their shopping cart, you can get them back on the buying cart with a remarketing postcard.
The beauty of personalized marketing is that you can customize every single detail in a sales campaign. For example, you can adapt the tone of your pitch to each customer in your mailing database. The same goes for design features, personalized URLs, and QR codes.
4 Ways Personalized Direct Mail Helps You Save Money
Direct mail and personalization have always gone hand in hand. However, when you add the benefits of the digital age, such as using an Application Programming Interface (API), the chances of success increase. Above all, the marketing costs go the other way and help your business thrive, even if you are on a small budget.
Here’s how personalized direct mail helps you increase ROI:
Better Customer Targeting
Let’s face it! Printing direct mail is costly even if you choose a minimalist design and the lowest possible quality. Whether they are postcards, cheques, or newsletters, direct mail materials tend to take a large chunk of your budget. However, direct mail is only expensive when you don’t use personalized marketing.
Customization allows you to target specific customers in your database. This way, instead of aiming in the dark at a broad audience, you send your message to those clients who are most likely to purchase your products.
With personalized marketing, you don’t have to pay for expensive printing costs and postage rates to send direct mail to people who will never contribute to your ROI. Therefore, you waste less money and increase your chances of conversion.
Easy Outsourcing & Delegating
Creating personalized mail manually can take more time and resources than you would afford. That’s why outsourcing marketing customization to a third-party service can help you offload some of the most time-consuming tasks in personalized marketing.
Services that automate direct mail with API help you produce a high volume of personalized mail in a short period. Also, the costs are considerably lower than any traditional methods that do not use advanced software.
Instant Automation
Organizing personalized mail for a dozen prospects may seem quick and easy. However, when your mailing database contains thousands of potential customers, the process becomes tedious and cumbersome.
Your best choice for personalized marketing is to use a service that employs automation methods. This way, you can complete several days of manual work almost instantly. As a result, you have more time to focus on other aspects of your business and save more money in the long run.
Design More with Minimal Skills
Not every business has the funds to hire a designer. If this is your case, you can save money and create stunning designs for personalized direct mail even if you have minimal designing skills.
All you need to do is use software with API that comes with a custom postcard builder. This way, you can design engaging direct mail for all your offline marketing needs. As a marketer on a budget, you can do more with less money, and still, increase your chances for a successful campaign.
Also Read: How To Enhance Your Sale With Soap Boxes.