A bad credit score implies an individual’s failure to pay bills on time or repay acquired loans within the chosen period. As a result, it causes impediments in obtaining future loans like home loans or car loans.
A bad credit loan is merely another term for taking a personal loan if you have a bad credit score. A bad credit loan is a suitable fix if you want to erase your history of poor credit.
Bad credit refers to a person’s history of failing to pay bills on time, and the likelihood that they will fail to make timely payments in the future. It is often reflected in a low credit score. Companies can also have bad credit based on their payment history and current financial situation.
Let’s look into how you can apply for bad credit loans.
Where Can You Get Bad Credit Loans?
It is challenging to obtain bad credit loans. However, if you invest your time and study about it, you can pull yourself out of the pit.
● Credit Unions: Credit unions provide personal loans in the same way banks offer. Credit unions are more flexible and forgiving. If you have a bad credit score, you have a better chance of securing a loan here.
● Family and Friends: The most reliable source of getting financial help are your friends and family. The best part is, you don’t have to worry about interest rates or eligibility.
● A Co-Signer: A co-signer can be a person with a good credit score. You get a loan in the co-signer’s name and pay him monthly for the loan. However, if you cannot pay the loan on time, you will jeopardise his credit score.
● Peer-To-Peer Loans: Many groups of lenders offer loans to people with poor credit. The issue is that their interest rates may be high.
● Online Loans: Numerous FinTech companies offer flexible personal loan options. These companies have excellent customer service and support. Even if you have a bad credit score, they are flexible and will help you improve your credit score.
● Banks: Even though banks are stringent with poor credit scores, you can negotiate with them to get a short-term loan to fix your score.
What Makes Your Credit Score Bad?
The credit score range is between 350 – 800, and if your score falls below 650, it’s not ideal. In addition, a credit score below 650 implies that you will be paying the highest interest rates for your loans.
So, before you apply for bad credit loans, look at the policies lenders follow to avail loans. For example, many lenders refuse to finance individuals below 650.
A lender can deny a potential borrower a loan due to a number of bad credit causes. Bad credit is a person’s record of past failures to make timely payments for bills and loan payments, and the likelihood that they will delay or default on payments in the future.
When a potential borrower has a bad credit history, it is difficult for them to get approved for loan applications, credit cards, or even get apartments to rent. When an individual makes late payments or defaults on the payments altogether, the lender or creditor reports the information to the credit bureaus. The information is included in the individual’s credit report, which lenders and other creditors use to make decisions on whether or not to extend credit to potential borrowers. A corporate borrower can also have bad credit, based on their payment history with creditors.
So, If you don’t urgently require a loan, your first step should be to find ways to improve your credit score
Five Main Causes of Bad Credit
Bad credit is caused by several key factors, as listed below:
1. Late payments
A person’s payment history accounts for 35% of their credit score. If you have delayed making payments for more than a month, the creditor might have reported the information to the credit bureaus. Also, the information is recorded in your credit report.
If you have consistently delayed making payments to lenders, credit card companies, or utility providers, it will affect your credit score. If the bad credit is not repaired, it can lead to the credit score being classified as “poor” or “very poor,” which may diminish your chances of getting approved for a loan.
2. Collection accounts
When creditors are unable to secure payments from a borrower, they can use third-parties to enforce the collection process. Most creditors hire or sell the delinquent debt to debt collection agencies before or after charging off their account.
When delinquent accounts are sent to collections, the information is captured in the credit report. Unless such information is repaired, it will be difficult for creditors to provide credit to a borrower with a history of poor collection.
3. Bankruptcy filing
If an individual or company is unable to pay debts, they may be forced to file for bankruptcy to receive legal protection. Filing for bankruptcy is an extreme event, and it is the most damaging event to an entity’s credit score.
If a borrower files for bankruptcy, the information will be recorded in the credit report, and it stays there for seven years. Due to the complexity of bankruptcy cases, most lenders shy away from lending to borrowers with a history of bankruptcies and court cases relating to their financial situation.
4. Charge-offs
If an account has become delinquent for too long, the creditor will charge off the account. A charge-off means that the creditor has given up trying to get the borrower to make payments, and it leaves a black mark on the credit report. When an account is charged off, the account holder will no longer be able to make purchases with the account. When a charge-off occurs, the borrower still owes the charge-off balance to the creditor.
The unpaid charge-off will cause the credit score to drop. Once an account is charged off, the information is reported to the credit bureaus. The charge-off information remains in the credit report for seven years since the time the account became delinquent.
5. Defaulting on loans
Loans defaults are treated in the same way as an account charge-off. If you have missed more than one payment and you have not paid at the end of the month, the account is marked as in default.
The lender will forward the information to the credit bureaus, and it will damage a borrower’s credit reputation. When prospective lenders access the information, they will view the borrower as a credit risk who is highly unlikely to repay back loans.
How To Get A Loan With A Bad Credit Score?
If you don’t urgently require a loan, your first step should be to find ways to improve your credit score. Then, you can start paying bills on time and start clearing outstanding debt gradually.
Taking simple steps like being more responsible with money, creating a savings plan, and selling unnecessary luxuries goes a long way to improve the credit score.
However, suppose you’re in urgent need of financing. In that case, you can approach a bank or a credit union and talk with higher authorities to explain your situation and why you’re creditworthy.
You can apply for bad credit loans at any of the places mentioned in the above sections. However, the essential part is to be intentional and have a clear strategy in mind. Your credit score will improve if you research well and be more responsible.
Personal loan interest rates vary depending on your score and the qualification requirements you meet, so you shouldn’t expect to get the lowest rates or the most favorable terms with damaged credit.
But if you have bad credit, you likely shouldn’t be looking for the best rates; the provider that offers a loan your score qualifies for is typically the best one for you. And if there are multiple options open to you, then compare loan limits and interest rates to find the one that best fulfills your needs.